

2010 - Chart of The Year: "
A picture says a thousand words. In this post you will find only charts and graphs conveying important points from the world of energy 2010.

Readers are invited to post their favorite charts from 2010 in the comments. Instructions are given at the end of this post. This is a charts only thread, no text at all, noncompliant posts will be deleted. An energy theme is preferred though other related themes such as economy, population, sustainability are acceptable. Climate charts that do not link directly to energy will be deleted.

Within a week or two TheOilDrum will host an open thread that will enable discussion of the charts posted, but today is New Year, discipline please - charts only. Thank you - and hopefully a happy 2011 to one and all.

To add your own images (no text), use the following procedure:

1) If you have an image on your computer, upload it to an online image hosting server (e.g. www.photobucket.com)

2) Copy the hyperlink to that image

3) Paste after < img src=" and before "> (remove the space before the 'img')

(It will look like < img src="http://s571.photobucket.com/albums/oilchart.jpg" > or some such (but without the spaces at beginning or end)



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